Gold Standard Pay
Payment Processing and Global Electronic & Digital Wallets

GSB Gold Standard Pay is your professional international payment expert. First class concierge services for high networth individuals and sophisticated entrpreneurs, safe and secure online verification and a complete digital environment to manage everyday banking and payment processing activities.
Our acquirers and partners around the world find together here, at GSB Gold Standard Pay Ltd. Setup your payment gateway or electronic wallet today and enjoy more flexibility. Here is the Home of Good Payments.

Gold-Add Ons
The only provider for direct gold purchases
You want to store your assets in gold, buy and sell whenever you desire? No problem!

Our Software and Platforms have been tested and developed at GSB Hamburg, Germany.

Any information about our software solutions, how it works or do you even experience a technical issue? Do not worry, our IT experts will help.
+49 403766919-0
The IT helpline does not provide any questions related to any product offered at this website.